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Pakėvio dvaras

Dvaro g. 54, Pakėvio k., 86414 Kelmės r.
(+370) 61031315
21 years of activity
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(+370) 61031315
Virginija Pauliuvienė
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LT88 4010 0438 0006 5366
Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius
Date of registration
7 employees (insured)
Average wage
1 263,91 € (2024 July) more information


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Jauki, skoningai sutvarkyta aplinka, gardūs patiekalai ir malonus aptarnavimas. Šventėme giminės susitikimą ir likome labai patenkinti. Tikrai verta čia užsukti.
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Labai graziai sutvarkytas dvaras! Puiki virtuve, maloni aplinka. Didele teritorija, uzburianti gamtos ramybe. Labai rekomenduoju!
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Description of activities

Beautiful buildings, well-maintained surroundings and beautiful scenery
You can arrange a big banquet, celebration or event
We will offer you rooms for overnight or relaxation
The fisherman's house is a new log house-sauna for small gatherings
You will be able to go fishing, take a boat ride, cook a fish or simply relax on the foot-bridge
Pakėvis manor is located 8 km northwest of Kelme, Vaiguva eldership, Pakėvis village.

Pakėvis manor has been known since the 17th century. In 1685 the manor was mentioned in the acts of Berzenai rural municipality. In the 19th century Pakėvis became known because famous ethnographer, folklorist, literary historian Liudvikas Adomas Jucevicius (1813-1846), who used the pseudonym of Liudwik z Pokiewia, was born here.

The manor is located in the eastern part of Pakėvis village, while the village is located in a highland surrounded by ponds.

Pakėvis manor has been known since the 17th century. In 1685 it was mentioned in the acts of Berzenai rural municipality. It is known, that in this manor, writer and ethnologist Liudvikas Adomas Jucevicius (1813-1846) was born. In the Soviet years, the manor buildings were used as a school and for the needs of kolkhoz.

Territory of the manor occupies an area of about 40 ha. Its buildings - the central mansion, barn, farmhouse and stables – were built in approximately 1900. The mansion was of an irregular shape of a letter T. It is believed that it consisted of two non-simultaneously constructed parts: the north-western carcass part was built a bit earlier, and later it was connected with the masonry part.

In 2009 the manor was purchased from the former owner Mr. Naikauskas. UAB "Pakėvio dvaras" has developed a technical project for the reconstruction and adaptation for tourism of the manor's living house (former manor's mansion) and auxiliary building. According to the iconographic materials, it is planned to restore the former wooden part of the north-western mansion building on the surviving foundations. A coherent and thought-out project has been developed in consultation with heritage protection officers. It is also planned to reconstruct the former stables, from which the only thing that remains are foundations of the stone masonry and a barn.

In 2011, prior to the beginning of works, exploratory archaeological research was carried out in the territory of the manor, 194 findings were collected: homemade and glazed ceramics, fragments of flat tiles, fragments of faience, forged nails dating back to the end of the 18th – beginning of the 20th century. The findings were given to the Museum of Kelme.

On the September 7th, 2013, hosts of the manor invited Pakėvis and Vaiguva village communities to visit the completely renewed Pakėvis manor. We are glad that another Lithuanian manor with beautiful buildings, well-maintained surroundings and beautiful scenery was reborn.
