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Šušvės g. 5, Kunioniai, 58020 Kėdainių r.
(+370) 61652211
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(+370) 61652211
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V 0588325


Rural tourism
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Skrebinų kaimo turizmo sodyba
23.7 km | Kauno kelias 35, Skrebinai, Jonavos r.
rural tourism farmstead holiday in a village big homestead rest in village homstead weekend in nature place for wedding homstead for wedding hall rental bath tub hall camping place for camp bicycles in nature...
Lazduona, kaimo sodyba
23.9 km | Palazduonio k. 33, Kauno r.
bath homstead rural homstead kayaks tub
Domeikavos vila
26.1 km | Joninių g. 10, Domeikava, Kauno r.
hotel accommodation services guesthouse bed wireless Internet car parking place hotel in Kaunas
Gojus, Bernatonių sodyba
30.9 km | Akacijų al. 20A, Kulautuva, Kauno r.
homstead rent of homstead homstead for wedding for anniveersaries for birthdays for christenings for fests bath pool banquet halls ballroom billiard outside terrace rural tourism accommodation
Forest resort, vila
31.2 km | Pagečiai, Jonavos r.
banquet hall farmstead banquet halls rural homstead rent of homstead active recreation rural tourism homstead for wedding parties hall for wedding banquet hall rent of homstead conference hall rent of rural tourism homestead homestead for banquets homstead for wedding...
Paliekio dvaras
32.2 km | Kauno g. 13A, Lekėčiai, Šakių r.
junkets wedding christening Conference trainings parks hotel accommodation services bed double rooms apartments delicious food bath camping entertainment hotel...
Brolių menė, pokylių salė su pirtimi
34.2 km | Uosio g. 20, Pabiržio k., Kauno r.
banquet hall bath tub farmstead banquet halls rural homstead rent of homstead active recreation rural tourism homstead for wedding parties hall for wedding banquet hall rent of homstead rent of steamhouse rent of hot tub...
Palukščio dvaras
35.9 km | Lukštinės g. 4, Milašaičiai, Raseinių r.
rural tourism manor vacations in Lithuania points of interest parties banquet halls fests bath bathhouse services fishing junkets banquet hall accommodation accommodation services bed Conference...
Bajorai, sodyba, MB
37 km | Gelžkeliuko g. 9, Čebeliškės k., Kauno r.
rural tourism rural homstead rent of homesteads Kaunas bed accommodation rooms rent of rooms halls hall rental leaving banquets wedding for weddings family fests for fests anniversaries...
Vilaitė, kaimo turizmo sodyba
43.2 km | Pažėrai, Kauno r.
Beautiful homestead by the nice lake, near a forest, just 23 km away from Kaunas centre....
Grand vila
43.2 km | Pažėrai, Kauno r.
rest in village banquet halls banquet halls hall rental rent of homesteads homstead for wedding christening seminars trainings active recreation homstead for wedding accommodation conference hall organization of events organization of holidays sodyba šventėms...
Fliorencija, kaimo turizmo sodyba
43.4 km | Fliorencijos k., Raseinių r.
rural tourism accommodation services banquet organization bath tub lake pond nature bath conference hall nutrition rest in the nature water gaieties fishing wedding christening...
Pasaka, kaimo turizmo sodyba
45.7 km | Pažėrai, Kauno r.
rent of steamhouse SPA rest rest in village banquet halls banquet halls hall rental rent of homesteads homstead for wedding christening seminars trainings active recreation homstead for wedding accommodation conference hall...
Neries kilpa, sodyba
48.4 km | S. Neries g. 25, Bučionių k., Kaišiadorių r.
rural tourism tourism in Kaunas farmstead rent of homstead holiday in a village calm recreation rent of rooms bed banquet halls bath tub paintball wedding family fests anniversaries Conference...
Karpynė, kaimo turizmo sodyba
49.6 km | Karpynės g. 2, Gabšiai, Raseinių r.
rural tourism rest in the nature rest in village homstead sodyba šventėms homsteads rent of homstead rent of homesteads fishing rent of steamhouse banquet halls rent of banquet hall banquet halls rent of banquet hall homstead for wedding bed...
Sidabrinė pieva, poilsiavietė
50 km | Kazlaučiznos k. 2, Ukmergės r.
homstead rent of homstead homestead by a lake rent of steamhouse recreation at the lake rural homstead rural tourism rural tourism farmstead rest in the nature birthday jubilee recreation center kayaks children's playground boats...