List of companies

Remuva dekor, UAB

Laisvės al. 85A-2 (Centras), 44297 Kaunas
(+370) 69955525
15 years of activity
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(+370) 69955525
Remigijus Užpalevičius
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2 employees (insured) more information
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Kauno T. Ivanausko zoologijos muziejus
0.3 km | Laisvės al. 106 (Centras), Kaunas
Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas Zoological Museum was founded in 1919. Museum collections contain about 215 000 specimens,...
Nacionalinis M. K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus
0.4 km | V. Putvinskio g. 55 (Centras), Kaunas
Kaunas museums in Kaunas rest time in Kaunas museum Čiurlionis art fine arts educational program Events concerts Conference legacy tourism tourism in Kaunas points of interest leisure...
Velnių muziejus
0.5 km | V. Putvinskio g. 64 (Centras), Kaunas
museum educational program exhibitions Events Kaunas tourism points of interest leisure culture education excursions masks Souvenirs
A. Žmuidzinavičiaus kūrinių ir rinkinių muziejus
0.5 km | V. Putvinskio g. 64 (Centras), Kaunas
museum sets exhibitions Kaunas tourism points of interest leisure culture excursions portraits exposition
J. Zikaro namai-muziejus
0.6 km | J. Zikaro g. 3 (Centras), Kaunas
museum educational program Kaunas tourism points of interest leisure culture education excursions exposition
Istorinė Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentūra
0.7 km | Vilniaus g. 33 (Centras), Kaunas
museum educational program exhibitions Events Kaunas tourism points of interest leisure culture education history excursions
Kauno paveikslų galerija
1.1 km | K. Donelaičio g. 16 (Centras), Kaunas
gallery museum art fine arts educational program exhibitions Events Kaunas tourism points of interest leisure culture children installment
Lietuvos sporto muziejus
1.5 km | Muziejaus g. 7, Kaunas
museums educational program organization of events projects childish camps
Galaunių namai-muziejus
1.7 km | Vydūno al. 2 (Žaliakalnis), Kaunas
museum exposition Kaunas tourism points of interest leisure culture graphics
Bajorai, sodyba, MB
7.2 km | Gelžkeliuko g. 9, Čebeliškės k., Kauno r.
rural tourism rural homstead rent of homesteads Kaunas bed accommodation rooms rent of rooms halls hall rental leaving banquets wedding for weddings family fests for fests anniversaries...
Vakarė, laivas Kauno mariose
7.6 km | R. Kalantos g. 199 (Petrašiūnai), Kaunas
Kaunas Nemunas ship rent of a ship cater yacht wedding birthdays water gaieties speedboat sailing leisure in Kaunas events in Kaunas rest time in Kaunas activities in Kaunas leisure in Kaunas activities in Kaunas
Kingas, laivas Kauno mariose
7.6 km | R. Kalantos g. 199 (Petrašiūnai), Kaunas
Kaunas Nemunas ship rent of a ship cater yacht wedding birthdays water gaieties speedboat sailing leisure in Kaunas events in Kaunas rest time in Kaunas activities in Kaunas leisure in Kaunas activities in Kaunas
Brolių menė, pokylių salė su pirtimi
13.6 km | Uosio g. 20, Pabiržio k., Kauno r.
banquet hall bath tub farmstead banquet halls rural homstead rent of homstead active recreation rural tourism homstead for wedding parties hall for wedding banquet hall rent of homstead rent of steamhouse rent of hot tub...
Vilaitė, kaimo turizmo sodyba
15 km | Pažėrai, Kauno r.
Beautiful homestead by the nice lake, near a forest, just 23 km away from Kaunas centre....
Grand vila
15 km | Pažėrai, Kauno r.
rest in village banquet halls banquet halls hall rental rent of homesteads homstead for wedding christening seminars trainings active recreation homstead for wedding accommodation conference hall organization of events organization of holidays sodyba šventėms...
Gojus, Bernatonių sodyba
17.8 km | Akacijų al. 20A, Kulautuva, Kauno r.
homstead rent of homstead homstead for wedding for anniveersaries for birthdays for christenings for fests bath pool banquet halls ballroom billiard outside terrace rural tourism accommodation